Project Ssongg Day7 - Stringart / Spiral Pattern
Hello, Today we will make real stringart based on Geogebra simulation we made in last lesson. Please check the following video. When we make real stringarts and compare them with Geogebra simulation results, It can be confirmed that it is consistent with the simulation results. When we can predict stringart pattern and adjust it based on simulation, we can easily produce Stringart work without trail and error. If you need a further study, please check it out following PDF book. It is for 40cm x 40cm (we made 20cm x 20cm in today's lesson) so you can feel like more artistic to produce it! :) [40cm x 40cm SPRIAL PATTERN STRINGART] <<< CLICK so I will be back with Yinyang pattern in the next lesson. Thank you to be interested! Have good days!