Geometry Stringart Class Day1 - What is 'Stringart'?
1. What is Stringart? ‘String art’ is the art of expressing the shape of things through thread. [Different Hexagon String Art Patterns] A straight line is the line connect two [POINTS] . If we draw straight [LINES] according to a certain rule, a [CURVE] is generated by gathering the contacts of the straight lines. (And those straight lines are the numerous differential functions of the curves made.) So, we can make geometrical patterns using the principle of string art. Also, lots of strings can generate [SURFACE] . [Point, Line and Surface] Let’s talk about ‘Curves’ more. A painter can draw a ‘curve’ as he wants. However, we cannot make a ‘curve’ connecting 2 points (nails). Because ‘Segment connecting one nail(point) and another nail(p...