
Project Ssongg Day10 - 8 colors Pinwheel Stringart Tutorial Time lapse

 Hello, This is Song from Playshop and Playground. Today I will introduce some interesting stringart pattern. Actually it is made for interim video of Korean TV MBC documentary who helps severely disabled children. The director of that program would create the pattern similar like following and I made similar pattern refering to that pattern. ​ Actually I cannot participate in filming since I am currently staying in Korea so I organize everything such as materials, pattern file for my student who will participate in filming. Prior to filming, I would like to order White Formax Panel with nail holes so I created the pattern with illustrator.. and check it works well with pinted paper patten and recycled wood. and I also made this tutorial video for her easy understanding and to make my work fun!! (When I am shooting, I can forcus more!!) so.. please enjoy how I make stringart only with simple tools such as siccisors, hammer and small drill! --------------------------------...

Project Ssongg Day9 - Stringart / Yinyang Pattern

Hello, This is Song from Playshop and Playground. Today we will create real Stringart of Yinyang(Taeguek) Pattern. This is one page overview of how to make Yinyang Stringart. ​ In this lesson, we will learn how to weave a thread under the tread woven earlier... :D Please refer to FREE Youtube tutorial video. I explain all the detail!! 👉 Geogebra Simulation Link 1. 2 vs 1 : 2. 1.5 vs 1 : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [40cm x 40cm YINYANG PATTERN STRINGART]  <<< CLICK ​ How is your real stringart practice of today..? You can download free pattern of 20cm x 20cm in my previous lesson. 👉 Free Paper Pattern Download I hope that you enjoy it! I will be back with Tornado pattern soooooon! :D

Project Ssongg Day8 - Geogebra Simulation / Yinyang Pattern

 Hello, This is Song from Playshop and Playground. How are you and your life? I hope that everything around you is going very well... :) Today we will do  Geogebra Simulation of Yinyang Stringart Pattern. Actually, we, Korean calls this Yinyang pattern as 'TAEGEUK' as it is shown in our Korean flag as below. ​  so I try many different way to express this beautiful 'TAEGEUK' by stringart simulation. However it is always difficult because the part woven later always covers the other part woven earlier and its balance between red and blue is always broken!! (Thus I start using weaving needle and/or fishing needle to weave a thread above the thread woven earlier.. and I will introduce it in next class... :D) In this time, we will focus on how to simulate 'Yinyang Pattern' in 2 different ways adjusting skipping nails! Actually, if you understand heart pattern very well.. there is no problem to make Yinyang pattern. Because it is sum of two 'half of heart pattern...

Project Ssongg Day7 - Stringart / Spiral Pattern

 Hello, Today we will make real stringart based on Geogebra simulation we made in last lesson. Please check the following video. When we make real stringarts and compare them with Geogebra simulation results, It can be confirmed that it is consistent with the simulation results. When we can predict stringart pattern and adjust it based on simulation, we can easily produce Stringart work without trail and error.  If you need a further study, please check it out following PDF book. It is for 40cm x 40cm (we made 20cm x 20cm in today's lesson) so you can feel like more artistic to produce it! :) [40cm x 40cm SPRIAL PATTERN STRINGART]  <<< CLICK ​ so I will be back with Yinyang pattern in the next lesson. Thank you to be interested! Have good days!

Project Ssongg Day6 - Geogebra Simulation / Spiral Pattern

  [GEOGEBRA SIMULATION / SPIRAL PATTERN] Hello, This is Ssongg from Playground/Playshop It is rainy season in my place, Koh Phangan but it not rains a lot and just cloudy to be lazy. However it is great weather to do Stringart so why don't you join me? Today we are going to make spiral pattern. ​ In the spiral pattern, when the circle is divided in half, one side is threaded without missing nailsand the other side is threaded on 5 nails and one nail is skippied. ​ Therefore, the number of crossed nails, the rotation angle is important. (Actually the radius of the spiral pattern can be reflectedin the actual string art considering its desired size so it is not so important.) In GeoGebra simulation,the rotation angle entering the function as a variable is more important. Earlier, it was said that 5 nails are threaded and 1 nails is skipped.Here, the number of weaving nails and the number of skipping nails can be changed as desired. ​ Today We're going to make a spiral weave 3 a...

Project Ssongg Day5 - Stringart Practice / Heart Pattern

[Stringart Practice]  So Let’s start make a heart pattern with stringart. Please print ‘Attach.1 how to make heart by sequence’. It includes 20cm x 20cm heart digital pattern for print on a paper so please prepare followings. [Preparation] 20cm x 20cm wood panel 60+ nails 1 thread Scissors Latex Glue ​ [Step 1] Print this PDF book on A4 size paper. Cut along the square on this page. Put the pattern on a string art board. [Step 2] Secure the pattern with sticky tape as marked by dashed line. Nail into 60 points on the paper pattern. Tear the paper pattern except for the numbers from 1 to 60 on wood panel. [Step 3] The above sequence lists the points represented by A’ and A’’ in order. In last lesson about GeoGebra simulation, it was said that the heart pattern was created by the trajectory of A'-A''(= segment f) when A', A'' and f are defined as following. -  A’=Rotate(A, 6 ºa) -  A”=Rotate(A, 12 ºa) - f = segment (A', A'') In actual string art, we f...

Project Ssongg Day 4 - Practice of Geogebra Simulation / Heart Pattern

  [PART 2 PRACTICE] 1. Geogebra simulation [Pattern specification] Wood Panel Size: 20cm x 20cm Circle Size: 15cm x 15cm No. of Nail holes: 60 As there are 60 nail holes around the circle, 360º of the circle is divided by 60 and the part occupied by arc 12 is 360 º /60 = 6 º . And this heart pattern is trace of the line segment A’-A”. A’ and A’’ are variables since a is changed from 0 to 60. (60 is the number of the points marked as nail holes.) A’ is the point rotated from A by [6 x a ] º and  A’’ is the point rotated from A by [12 x a] º . This rule can be explained and shown easily using Geogebra. First of all, we will input the function of circle. As this heart pattern is not related to the radius of circle but related to the angle rotated, any number can be input as radius of circle. We input 5 as radius of circle in this simulation. ​ [GEOGEBRA INPUT] 1. Let's input functuin of Circle : X^2 + Y^2 = 5^2 = 25 ( function of circle is X2 + Y2 = r2 where r is radius.) 2....