How to register new seller documents in Lazada Thailand as Individual Seller Foreinger


I am Song from Korea living in Thailand with Thai husband.

I am setting up import/export business between Korea and Thailand and prepare cooperation in Thailand to run this business.

Before my cooperation is established, I would set up my online shop in Lazada as individual seller.

I submitted registration documnets such as

1) ID Card Picture
2) Bank Book Picture

I uploaded these documnets 1 week ago but I could not be regisgtered so I called Lazada seller customer service center. 

(Lazada Thailand Customer Service ☏ 02-018-0200)
Lazada call center staff is very kind and she can speak English influently and explain me that there is two things I did not input correctly.

1) Seller Account / First Name & Family Name 
: First name should be located at the first. I input Family name first and it was not working. Please check that you input First Name - Family Name.

2) Bank Book Picture
: Bank book picture should be taken with whole bank book. We need to submit the picture of bank book with the first page containing Account No. and Account Name.

I corrected my mistakes above and submitted document varification following Lazada call center staff's instruction. 

And I got E-mail from Lazada that my account is activated.

I will explain briefly my experience how I ask review of required documents and hope that it can help you.



  (1) Fill required information (marked up as *)

        a. Seller Account - Name, Email, Mobile No.

        It is very simple but you need to input your name in order first name and family name. 

        b. Business Information  

        There are two types of seller - Individual seller & Company seller.
        If you are individual seller,
        please fill your legal name and provide copy of ID card.
        If you are company seller,
        please fill your company name and provide copy of business certification.

        For more information, please refer to Lazada Help Center (<< CLICK)
        It is written in Thai but there are pictures to help us understand.

        c. Bank Account - Name, No. Swift Code and Copy of Bank book.

        Fill in your bank information and submit the copy of your bank book.
        Picture of your bankbook should be taken with whole bank book.
        We need to picture of bank book with the first page containing Account No. and Account Name.

        If you don't know Swift code, please refer to Swift Code of Banks in Thailand

        d. Warehouse Address

        Fill in your warehouse address
        (and return address if return address is different from warehouse address).

Those are mandatory registration documents to upload products as a new seller.

When you are done, you need to ask Lazada to review of your information. :)


◆ Route : Help Center - Contact Via Form - Master Form

In Master Form,
please select "Follow Up New Seller Registeration" and "Follow Up Documents Verification".

please fill your informations (There is English explanation for required information so it will not be too difficult. 

In last section, there are question only explains in Thai.
It is questionaire that you provide your information correctly.

For first three questions(1,2,3 in below picture), please select the first one.
For the last question (4), please select the first one if you already update your product.

In my case, I selected the second one becuase I did not (could not) update any products.
(Before registration, I could not update any products.)

Then you can find below picture ; "Sucess!"

It will take 2 working days for review but I got approval E-mail after one day!

so now I can set up my products in advance <3

I hope that this post is helpful for people who has hard time same like me because of abesence of English manual. I will post my experiences about Lazada selling :)

Have a great day! Thank you.

#lazada #lazadathailand #howtoregisterlazada #newsellerregisteration #documentsvarification


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