Project Ssongg Day5 - Stringart Practice / Heart Pattern
[Stringart Practice] So Let’s start make a heart pattern with stringart. Please print ‘Attach.1 how to make heart by sequence’. It includes 20cm x 20cm heart digital pattern for print on a paper so please prepare followings. [Preparation] 20cm x 20cm wood panel 60+ nails 1 thread Scissors Latex Glue [Step 1] Print this PDF book on A4 size paper. Cut along the square on this page. Put the pattern on a string art board. [Step 2] Secure the pattern with sticky tape as marked by dashed line. Nail into 60 points on the paper pattern. Tear the paper pattern except for the numbers from 1 to 60 on wood panel. [Step 3] The above sequence lists the points represented by A’ and A’’ in order. In last lesson about GeoGebra simulation, it was said that the heart pattern was created by the trajectory of A'-A''(= segment f) when A', A'' and f are defined as following. - A’=Rotate(A, 6 ºa) - A”=Rotate(A, 12 ºa) - f = segment (A', A'') In actual string art, we f...